Polam Chan’s artistic themes include boundaries, politics, media, and barriers that formed blockage to people physically and mentally.

Polam often views subjects from a distant prospect, setting the sculpture and ideas in his work for our interpretation. Polam creates works that explore language and communication through art. As we focus more on individuality and independence, his work aims to create an alternative world of structures to amplify or conflict with the present. These works exist in both tangible and digital forms.

Confess... Trying to reconnect - Video - 7:40min

Confess... Trying to reconnect is a project that started with a conversation I had with my family. I was intrigued by the digital relationship and immigration period for my family during the isolated time of 2021. The work reflects our perspective of the Hong Kong immigration process and procedure, and how this affected us, including unknowns, conflicts, and challenging moments during this period. At the same time, showcasing the digital blockage of communication through video calls, often disconnected.